CY LSZH Control Cable

CY LSZH - Zero Halogen Control Cable

This zero halogen low smoke control cable is used as a measuring, control and signal cable for the machine tool industry, plant construction, heating and air conditioning etc. Where there is a requirement for low smoke zero halogen flexible cable to minimise the risk from smoke and toxic fumes, and are particularly suitable when a flexible cable is required between fixed and mobile equipment.

  • Oxygen index : less than 30%
  • Halogen emission : 0.3%
  • Toxicity index : 1.5
  • Temperature range : flexing - 15°C to +70°C
  • Stationary : -35°C to +70°C
  • Good resistance to oils
  • Voltage grade : 300 / 300V
  • Voltage grade : 300 / 500V
  • Test Voltage : 3000V
  • Adapted to VDE 250 part 405

Cable Structure

  • Plain copper conductors
  • Stranded type, fine wire to VDe 0295 class 5 + BS6360
  • LSOH insulated H1 2 - DIN VDE 027 PT23
  • Cores twisted together (laid up)
  • Black cores with white figure imprint (VDE 0293)
  • Earth conductor green-yellow
  • LSOH outer sheath grey
  • Standards : IEC 60092-353 IEC 60332-3 IEC 60754-1
No. Cores & mm2 per conductor Approx Outside diameter in mm ca. Copper weight kg / km Approx weight kg / km
2 x 0.5 7.0 35.0 80
3 G 0.5 7.3 45.5 106
3 x 0.5 7.3 45.5 106
4 G 0.5 7.9 55.0 123
4 x 0.5 7.9 55.0 123
5 G 0.5 8.4 66.0 134
7 G 0.5 9.9 80.5 160
12 G 0.5 11.3 138.5 237
2 x 0.75 7.4 45.0 115
3 G 0.75 7.9 57.9 125
3 x 0.75 7.9 57.9 125
4 G 0.75 8.4 64.0 141
4 x 0.75 8.4 64.0 141
5 G 0.75 8.9 77.4 162
5 x 0.75 8.9 77.4 162
7 G 0.75 10.6 102.0 187
7 X 0.75 10.6 102.0 187
12 G 0.75 12.3 177.0 313
18 G 0.75 14.5 243.0 456
25 G 0.75 16.6 307.3 575
2 x 1.0 7.9 50.0 127
3 G 1.0 8.2 65.3 140
3 x 1.0 8.2 65.3 140
4 G 1.0 8.7 78.1 160
4 x 1.0 8.7 78.1 160
5 G 1.0 9.5 89.4 182
7 G 1.0 10.8 113.6 215
12 G 1.0 13.3 188.1 352
18 G 1.0 15.5 286.0 514
25 G 1.0 17.5 388.5 677
41 G 1.0 22.0 578 1010
2 x 1.5 8.5 77.0 172
3 G 1.5 8.9 83.0 187
3 x 1.5 8.9 83.0 187
4 G 1.5 9.6 100.0 201
5 G 1.5 10.3 125.0 231
7 G 1.5 13.1 196.0 310
12 G 1.5 14.8 280.0 505
18 G 1.5 17.2 389.0 671
25 G 1.5 20.1 535.0 955
3 G 2.5 10.3 146.0 211
4 G 2.5 11.3 167.0 356
5 G 2.5 12.6 200.2 386
7 G 2.5 13.9 288.0 498
12 G 2.5 17.6 477.3 911
4 G 4 13.4 237.0 458
5 G 4 14.7 280.0 532
7 G 4 18.2 388.0 766
4 G 6 15.8 318.0 611
5 G 6 17.3 453.0 770
7 G 6 24.8 524.7 1035
4 G 10 24.4 558.0 986
4 G 16 28.1 804.0 1338
4 G 25 32.9 1289.0 2028
4 G 35 36.8 1693.0 2649
4 G 50 42.4 2342.0 3741
4 G 70 49.4 3035.0 5054
4 G 95 54.5 4055.0 6427

G = with protective conductor gn / ye
X = without protective conductor

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